I found a train between Budapest and Sofia via Craiova: Int 481.
Is there a possibility to buy a ticket in Craiova for a way Craiova -> Sofia? The train stops here for 25 minutes (or in Timisoara Nord for another 30 minutes)? Somewhere I read that tickets for international trains in Romania must be issued at least 2 hours before train departure. Is it true?
If is, is there some way how to buy a ticket in advance from abroad (without huge extra pays)?
So it is possible without problems to get out from the train in Craiova or Timisoara Nord, buy the next ticket (together with couchette or sleeper reservation) and get in the same train before it departures?
As I found, there is direct RZD sleeper between CZ (Ostrava, Breclav) to Varna via Beograd for a reasonable price.
- possibility to book this sleeper in advance without going to Russia or Bulgaria or paying huge extra fees.
What I found, is, that i'm able to buy spare ticket to Budapest from CZ, than, using elvira, online spare ticket to Romania.
Using my calculations, Balkan Pass is not an option, especially if using RZD sleeper, where it not applies. Even if I not use the RZD coach, but standard coaches of given railways, the Balkan Pass (for 10 days) is, according what I found, not the cheapest option, because it not applies in Hungary.
- possible in a Budapest train station to buy a sparnight ticket Budapest-Sofia (via Vidin) eg. 12 hours before train departure?
The Wasteels in Prague is not an solution, because according to czech train web forum it ceases its operations in CZ . Maybe Wasteels in Hungary, I will try it.
- or better solution: use a Balkan Pass for just a 5 days, as you mentioned? I thought that this pass validity expires given count of days from the first day of use (and I must be in Varna for given 4 nights), is this wrong?
If is, where is the best point to buy this pass? In Romania, or using Wasteels in Hungary?
True, you can get online via MAV website fortuna ticket Budapest-Craiova for only 19 euro, however MAV also offers discounted sparnights Budapest-Sofia (seats 29 euro, couchette 39 euro & 54 euro sleeper)
In CZ, if you buy a ticket using e-shop and you set wrong id card or passport number, the ticket is not valid and not returned. You just spend a buck for nothing.
the MAV have discount Tickets for that Train?!
I searched online and the chepast way (Vienna -> Athen) was an City Star: https://www.mavcsoport.hu/mav-start/nemzetkozi-utazas/ervenyes-dijszabasokfor 206€ (1Class is Required for Single Sleeping Car).
The say there are no offers: http://elvira.mav-start.hu/gyik.htm#jegyajanlataink
SparNight menetjegyek egy útra:ülőkocsi, 2. osztály 29 €fekvőhelyes kocsi, 6 ágyas fülkében 39 €hálókocsi, 3 ágyas fülkében (Tourist)* 54 €
The sell only 3 Bed Sleeping Car not 2 Bed or Single Bed.So where do you ever see Double or Single Sleeping Bed SparNight?