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Messages - paradoX

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Travel plans, routes and timetables / Re: slovenia to odessa - ukraine
« on: December 30, 2010, 04:25:48 pm »
Hey tUt, that is very helpful. thank you

But, I need to point a few things out I forgot to before. I will only be going one-way, first of all. My "plans" consist of meeting with a girl in odessa, staying there or somewhere around in ukraince for about a week, and then going with her to moscow. And eventually, when my visa runs out in about a month, flying back home. And why Ukraine, simply because neither of us needs a visa for it. :D Along with moldova.

So, if I understand this right, my best option is to go through hungary to zahony, and then take local trains to odessa. and that altogether it probably shouldnt cost more than 100e, more like 80e?

romania does seem like a worse option, since all I really care and want is to get to odessa in a at least semi-fast and predictable fashion, spending the smallest amount of money for the trip. money runs out fast when girls are involved.. >.<""

Travel plans, routes and timetables / slovenia to odessa - ukraine
« on: December 30, 2010, 02:04:49 pm »

I am a hitchhiker by heart, so I need some help for this one. :D

I have to be in Odessa, Ukraine, on/or around 5th of january. I myself, am from a town near Celje, which is halfway from Maribor and Ljubljana. And now I am looking for the best and cheapest ways to do so. Checked planes - ryanair supposedly has a flight line from milano to bucharest, but it doesnt seem to work. EasyJet also, but the price is 140e, not even including the cost it would take me to milano, and from bucharest to odessa. that is as far as I looked into planes.

For trains, it strikes me that Maribor > Budapest > Bucharest > Odessa might be my best option, but I really don't know.. Would it make more sense to find some way to Kyiv first? I really need some help, especially since this is not really so far away.. :D

Thank you. (back to google)

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