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Messages - warlord

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  Ok great thanks.  I have decided that maybe it's easier just to do the following trips then and skip Lodz all together for timing issues and less confusing trips:

  A) Krakow to Warsaw (Thurs)
  B) Warsaw to Cieczyn (Sun)
  C) Cieczyn to Ostrava (Sun or Mon morning) depending on arrival time and when the other train across the border leaves
  D) Ostrava to Cieczyn (Wed) to Oswiecim
  E) Oswiecim to Krakow (Fri)

  Is is better then to just buy these tickets (TLK) at the stations rather then try and get them in advance?  If so what stations would I leave and arrive from in Krakow and Warsaw and Ostrava assuming there are multiple stations as there were in Vienna and Budapest when I was there...

  Ok I have had excellet help in my last trip by you tUt.  The information you gave me to help me get from Bratislava to Vienna and then back to Budapest was so helpful and made my trip so much easier.

  So I am back once again with my next trip this comming May.  I will be flying to Krakow and want to probably get a train to Warsaw for a few days (Leaving on a Friday).  Then probably on the Sunday head to Lodz or straight to Ostrava, Czech (not sure if I will do Lodz or not).  Then from Ostrava to Oswiecim (maybe Tues).  I hear there are frequest trains from Oswiecim to Krakow so that I think I could just get at the train station there.

  So just trying to get an idea as some people were saying Warsaw to Ostrava I might have to connect in Krakow anyways.  Just trying to get an idea of some ideas for trying to see all these places. Thanks...

Travel plans, routes and timetables / Re: Prague to Unknown Destination.
« on: September 20, 2010, 03:05:35 pm »
  I chose Katowice just because it's close to Auschwitz which could be interesting to visit.  Just seems pretty far out though and not easily gotten to without a lot of train changes.  This trip I want to see some countries I haven't seen before, so since I was just in Austria a week ago, I don't really want to do that.  So Germany for pub hopping would be the idea, though I'd like to see if somehow I could fit in Poland and that would be 3 countries there.  Only problem is not wanting to spend a lot of time on trains, so maybe sticking to Berlin as it's a decent sized town or something and being relatively closer then Munich...

Travel plans, routes and timetables / Prague to Unknown Destination.
« on: September 17, 2010, 08:02:32 pm »
  Just looking at possible side trips to one of the following places and was curious of approximate travel times between them.

Prague to Berlin
Prague to Dresden
Prague to Munich
Prague to Warclaw
Prague to Katowice

  I know the distances, but that doesn't mean the shortest distance is going to be the fastest train.  Looking at going to one other destination outside of the Czech Republic for a few nights.  I think the obvious one Katowice would be by far the longest at maybe 7 hours?  Just curious of all the places...

  Which I found out from my train trip from Vienna to Budapest, seat selections don't even matter.  I don't even think I sat in the right car let alone the right side of the train or anywhere near the right seat.  I don't even think my ticket even had the seat mentioned on it eventhough I selected one on the train.  It's almost a free for all and find an empty seat...

Travel plans, routes and timetables / Re: Bratislava to Vienna
« on: August 09, 2010, 03:04:52 pm »
  Ahhh great thanks guys for the good advice.  I have noticed the train times have varied over the past month, so will just get to the station and hopefully a train will be coming by soon (seems every hour or 2 one comes through)...

Travel plans, routes and timetables / Bratislava to Vienna
« on: August 06, 2010, 11:08:58 pm »
  I will be trying to buy a ticket from Bratislava (Hlavná  Stanica) to Südbahnhof station in Vienna.  My question is since I won't have a good phrase book for Slovakian, how easy will it be to get my ticket?

  I'll be either leaving on the 9:51 train or the 10:34 train on a Saturday morning.  Will the ticket I buy be like in Budapest where the ticket is good for any train?  Or will it be good for a specific train only?  Also can you buy tickets in Bratislava by credit card?

  I am planning on trying to write down my request (using some of the Slovak book I have) and mentioning the time and the train (Os 9519, REX 9519) etc.  Should I say or write (Vienna) or should I be using (Wein)?

  I take it Hlavá isn't that big a station, so is it easy to navigate at all?


  Plus one thing I was impressed by with OBB, is that during your purchasing the tickets, you can also select which car you want to be on and your seats as well.  This was really nice...

  Thanks for that link.  I decided to just purchase my ticket directly for Eu 22 (EU 3 for the seat).  This will help save me a lot of time trying to buy the ticket at the train station the day I am leaving to head back to Budapest...

  I would be difinatly affraid of missing the train that route.  Maybe if I was more experienced in travelling by train there I would do that.
  Now I just have to find out how often the trains are from Bratislava to Vienna (as I can't seem to find Sudbahnhof Station listed on the Slovak rail website).  I have heard it's quite often though.

  Plus getting from Vienna back to Budapest I would hope is also fairly straight forward.  I need to look into that as well...

  Cool this is such a great help for me, being all new to the train travel there.  It will definately make the stress a lot better as I will be very tired and with very little sleep the night I arrive in Budapest.  And it's really good to know I can catch any train that next day if I happen to miss the 5:30 one...

  Great thanks again for the info.  I'll be getting money before I leave the US so that hopefully won't be an issue.  Hopefully I can also use my credit card to buy the ticket too, or is Forints better?  And I assume on the train I can use Forints to buy food as well?  Or will Euros be better on the train since most the countries it goes to use Euros?

 Thank you so much that is great information.  Are the platforms easy to find?  And when I get the ticket I can acutally use that for anytime that next day and not just the 5:30 one?  That would be good in case I accidently sleep in and miss that one and I can just catch the 9:28 one instead.

  Anything else I need to know or what to avoid there?  I heard the station can get crowed and packed, but like you mentioned I shouldn't encounter that many people at 5:30...

  Ok just needed some help trying to figure out the best way to navigate my way around for this trip.  I'll be coming into Budapest fairly late and I will be at the Keleti Pu station around 10pm.  Do they sell train tickets that late for the next morning (5:30 departure)? 

I believe the international tickets will be on the left when I first enter the station (is this correct)?

Do they speak English in case I have some confusion buying a ticket at Keleti?  (I will be writting down the train info on the one I want to show them, to make it easier, but just in case wondering how frequent english speaking ticket agents are there.

When I get my ticket, what is the word to know what Gate my train departs from since my Hungarian very bad.  Any other usefull information I'll need to know about the ticket since I probably won't be able to understand everything on it.

When I do find the gate and wait for the train, will I have to show my ticket to anyone before hand?  I know there have been some reports of scammers dressed up in uniforms that will try and 'check' your ticket. I just want to know if there are any legit people that will do this or that is done when boarding the train?

  Lots of question I know, but this will be my first time there and never have booked a Euro train before.  Thanks...

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