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Messages - clark10

Pages: [1]
Apologies for the multiple posts... We are looking for advice on another thing at the end of our trip.

Using your links above (OBB website) we found a train for $79 euro for both of us at 10:14 on the railjet... I know earlier you gave us a slightly cheaper option on slower trains (Austrian group pass to Salzburg for $33 euro and then a group pass (Bavaria) for $22 euro... our question is this: as we want to travel to Neuschwanstein Castle at some point during our stint in Germany (Nov. 21 through a full day Nov. 23rd; staying in Heildberg on 23rd night)

After reviewing your advice on the German group passes, we think it could be beneficial to combine with a trip to Fussen/Neuschwanstein Castle. What are your thoughts?

1) Vienna-Salzburg-Neuschwanstein Castle-Munich
Would the Bavarian Pass purchased in Salzburg allow us time to get to the Castle and then to Munich later on that day/night if we left Vienna early morning?

2) Vienna-(Salzburg)-Munich
Munich-Neuschwanstein Castle-Heidelberg
Or should we book the train to Munich and buy the DB group pass for Neuschwanstein Castle on our way to Heidelberg

We are flexible on staying in Munich 2 nights (Nov 21 & 22) or 2 nights in Heidelberg (22 & 23)

I guess what we are asking should we go ahead and book this ahead of time (want to make sure we have a spot on the train) or should we just book Group pass the day of and take the same train/same price??

The train I mentioned above gets us into at 20:56

Lastly, we are flexible on when we leave from Frankfurt to Dresden, if there is another train station close that we could get a fast train for a reasonable price (we are seeing Frankfurt(M) Flughafen Ferrnbf  to Dresden hbf @ 14:11... We would get into Dresden 2 hours earlier albeit for $79euro vs $48 euro)

Thank you for the heads up!

We land a little before noon at the Frankfurt Airport on November 14th and want to go directly to Dresden (at the most reasonable rate)

Doing a small search as you indicated above (local only and no fast) I note that their is a savings fare avaliable for $48euro for both (Frankfurt (Main) Flugh to Dresden Hbf at 13:02)... My understanding is this is the same price as the group passes - Is this our best trainoption for the price?? (Want to have enough to when we land and it's way more reasonably priced than the fast train for around $159 euro)

Also - Can you confirm that Frankfurt (Main) Flugh is the one located right by the airport??

Thanks again for your help!!

Thank you so very much for your time and great advice!!!!!

With your help, we were able to take what appeared to be an impossible task and got all our tickets booked ahead of time (expect for the group passes we will get at the station).

Thank you again!!

I was able to find the 13euro Budapest-Vienna tickets with help from the MAV advice on the previous post.

First of all, thank you so much for all of the great information you have posted on this website - it has been a huge help in planning our vacation!

My husband and I will be backpacking for two weeks with the above itinerary (flying in and out of Frankfurt). We have been trying to piece together different parts of our journey from other posts, but when we look at the railway websites, the prices are either unavailable or seem substantially more expensive that what we were hoping for.

We will both qualify for the youth (<26) rates where applicable.

Which is recommended for our itinerary: Ticket by ticket before we leave the US? Book departing ticket as soon as we arrive in each city?Eurail?
Any advice is greatly appreciated! We land in Frankfurt on 14Nov... nothing like last minute planning!  :)

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