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Author Topic: Fare for Bratislava to Warsaw  (Read 16678 times)
Jr. Member
Posts: 52

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« on: September 01, 2010, 07:21:00 pm »

Hi - I'm planning to catch the overnight train to Warsaw, spend the day there, and then catch a night train to Gdansk (I know this is a short trip, but this way I can see Warsaw and not have to pay for a hotel). I will probably do the same (or similar) on the way back.

I've seen the price for the Warsaw to Gdansk bit (can't remember, but the price was quite cheap), but how much is BA to Warsaw? I know its based on the tariff (with the bi-lateral discounts), but how can I work this out myself? Is the tariff online? Is it just a case of finding out the km's and doing some maths?!

And finally - is it best to but the international ticket, then the domestic one - or can I 'break' an international ticket?

Thanks in advance

Hero Member
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« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2010, 08:37:50 pm »

If we believe ZSSK website, then regular full fare Bratislava-Warsawa via Czech Republic (direct carriages go that way) cost 72.6 euro one way, but if we count on our own we end up with 62 euro (btw, Czech tariff calculator jiizdenka confirms our version of 62 euro). From where ZSSK took extra 10 euro is a mystery.
Anyway there is pretty good discount for ZSSK-PKP return connections (60% off on Slovak part, 40% off on Czech and Polish parts), so it makes sense to buy return ticket to Gdansk right away. It's not very difficult to calculate knowing distances on each part: Zebrzydowice(Gr)-Gdansk via Warswaw - 704 km, Bratislava-Kuty(Gr) - 71km; Kuty(Gr)-Zebrzydowice(Gr) - 207 km. Regular TCV tariff for such routes are 34.2 euro, 26.4 and  9.4 euro. Thus, 9.4*2*0.4(Slovak part)+26.4*2*0.6(Czech part)+34.2*2*0.6(Polish part)= app.80 euro for return ticket Bratislava-Warsawa-Gdansk via Czech Republic. But because of that mysterious 10 extra euro (might be simple mistake on ZSSK website), you might pay a little bit more than 80 euro.

Cheaper way is to avoid international train and go to Poland via Zilina-Skalite, where to board domestic polish train, but this will require early start since there is no late evening trains from Zilina to Poland. Similar option is to go from Zilina to Czech Ceski Tesin, it is located across the river from polish Cieszyn (served by train towards Katowice and buses to Krakow), not really convenient option, but cheap.
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Jr. Member
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« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2010, 09:53:12 pm »

Thanks tUT, thats excellent information.

So, I can get off in Warsaw in the morning, and catch the night train to Gdansk on the same day, using the same ticket? I imagine I just buy some berth reservations at the station in Warsaw? 

Also, can you explain your sums to me. I'm keen to be able to work these things out independently, but I'm confused. Lets just use the Slovak leg as an example: why is it 9.4*2*0.4? I understand that 9.4 Euros is the price for 71 km, and the 2 is presumably because its a return. But why times it by 0.4? Maths was never my best subject, so I'm probably missing something extremely obvious!
Hero Member
Posts: 1233

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« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2010, 09:42:29 am »

I can get off in Warsaw in the morning, and catch the night train to Gdansk on the same day, using the same ticket?
Yes, it is standard international ticket, thus it is valid for at least one month. You can get off/get on at any station of the route as far as the leg is done once (or twice in case of a return ticket)
I imagine I just buy some berth reservations at the station in Warsaw?
Yes, as far as sleeper reservations available for the train you want. PKP even sells tickets for TLK trains online (, but just tried - it sells only ticket plus reservation, we weren't able to buy just reservation.
I understand that 9.4 Euros is the price for 71 km, and the 2 is presumably because its a return.
Yes, 9.4 euro it is the TCV fare for this leg and yes, 2 stands for return ticket.
But why times it by 0.4?
Because you get 60% off the fare on Slovak part. For Czech and Polish it is 40% off, so roughly we multiply by 0.6 instead.
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Jr. Member
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« Reply #4 on: September 02, 2010, 11:32:08 am »

Cheers for your answers. I actually have one more question. A two-berth sleeper is priced at 140 Zloty

Is this per person? Its quite expensive if so, maybe? And this will be the fee for domestic and international trains heading to Poland?
Hero Member
Posts: 1233

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« Reply #5 on: September 02, 2010, 02:21:29 pm »

PolRail is an agency, but in this case they quote original fare without commission, so yes, 140 PLN is the price for domestic double sleeper per person. Unfortunately, but Polish reservations tend to be quite expensive comparing to other Central European countries, maybe since PKP raised them not that long ago (while rest didn't).

International sleeper reservation actually depend on specific train and company operator, usually they do not correspond to domestic fares. In your case, reservation for Budapest-Warsaw (double sleeper) cost 23.1 euro, thus Bratislava-Warsaw should cost a little bit less.
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