I am trying to book tickets for my family to travel from Salzburg to venice. The ÖBB online booking site allows me to choose the 15-16yr option for my son but not the 14yr option for my daughter.
Actually it allows to choose any age, here is the screen from OEBB online ticketing page:

If I have read the information on the site correctly it seems that 14year olds travel free to italy. Is this correct? Do I need to book her a ticket and if so how do I go about doing this?
There are three things to say here: 1)
Family offer works only if accompanying adult purchases full standard fare (rather expensive) + you need to remember that it is one adult=one child; 2) "The Family Special offer can be bought at the Trenitalia ticket desks and authorised travel agencies." (no internet purchase as you see) - quote from TrenItalia website (
http://www.trenitalia.com/cms/v/index.jsp?vgnextoid=bbb425ef095ba110VgnVCM1000003f16f90aRCRD), probably the same applies for OEBB, and that is the reason why you can't purchase it online; 3) it is not free travel, you need to pay 7 euro per child
In the light of all these it might just make sense simply to purchase SparSchiene tickets Salzburg-Venice for everybody*. Tickets start from 29 euro and can be bought online.
*Example: standard adult ticket Salzburg-Venice for the overnight train cost 49 euro + 7 euro for the child with Family offer=56 euro, while two Spar tickets cost 29+29 euro=58 euro. So the choice is yours from here