What's the cheapest Vienna-Prague route for a morning train / bus.
Not a big choice here, same 29 euro discounted tickets bought in advance (
https://ticket.oebb.at/bin/frame_ticket.pl?ticket=jticket.pl&LANG=EN). Other option is to go with Einfach-Raus-Ticket (group pass for up to 5 passengers, any regional train in Austria for a day) till the Czech border (better to go via Gmund-C.Velenice) and then group ticket from C.Velenice till Prague (530 CZK or 22 euro for all 3), as result you pay 50 euro of 87 euro with direct train. But Einfach-Raus-Ticket option will require more time spent on rails and multiple train changes.
Prague - Stuttgart: DB website sells discounted 29 euro tickets (
http://reiseauskunft.bahn.de/bin/query.exe/en?newrequest=yes&protocol=http:&), but you will need to buy those in advance. In case you travel on weekend you can take advantage of DB group weekend ticket (Schönes-Wochenende -Ticket - 37 euro for up to 5 passengers), but same story as with Einfach-Raus-Ticket - you can use it only on slower regional trains + again multiple train changes required.
Stuttgart - Brussels: discounted DB tickets is the best choice for you here, start from 39 euro per person (117 for all 3 of you), but, once again, purchase in advance required since discounted tickets are in limited number.
Brussels - Amsterdam: If you purchase your tickets way in advance you might be able to get some promo fare (
http://onlineboeken.nshispeed.nl/microtips/), but since that route is really busy, thus your chances are quite low. As result you might end up paying full fare (37.8 euro per person)
As you can see, smartly bought in advance tickets can save you quite a lot comparing to 305 euro pass