Well, we would say that 13 minutes is enough to change trains in Munich, especially if you already know where to go (
http://www.nshispeed.nl/web/file?uuid=5c639fa8-290f-4d43-985b-0cb27321a59e&owner=9b297389-b7eb-44ef-9921-53cca90f5c58&contentid=2171), train RJ 68 arrives from Vienna platform 11, CNL train to Paris departs from platform 22. As you can see on the map distance between those two isn't big, at least easy to cover under 5 minutes.
10 min. change in Salzburg also not a problem, the train station there is much smaller, so even 3 minutes will be enough there.
But you can always enjoy a short stay in Munich as well, there are plenty of places to spend 30min.-2.5 hours at the station and nearby, almost all of them work till midnight or even longer.