« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2010, 12:49:40 am » |
Probably the best way to go here is Athens-Thessaloniki-Belgrade-Budapest-Brno. There are two daily trains from Thessaloniki to Belgrade - at 5:57 (arrives to Belgrade at 18:06) and 17:05 (at Belgrade - 5:59), so your task is to get from Athens to Thessaloniki by that time. You can do it either by overnight train #504 22:55-5:36 or by daytime #500 (9:21-15:02) or IC 52 (10:51-15:48). In Belgrade at 7:20 in the morning departs IC 345 train Belgrade to Prague via Budapest (in Brno at 19:33) or overnight train Belgrade-Budapest at 21:25-5:04 in Budapest (+ at 5:28 departs train Budapest-Hamburg which will be in Brno at 9:33) In terms of financial side of the journey you best option is to "break" you tickets in such way: Athens-Thessaloniki (domestic); Thess.-Belgrade bought in Greece; Belgrade-Budapest bought in Serbia; Budapest-Kuty(last Slovakian station before Czech Rep.) bought in Budapest. Ticket from Slovak border station Kuty to Brno better to purchase on board. Feel free to ask further questions