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Author Topic: Bratislava - St. Petersburg via Ukraine and Moscow  (Read 87621 times)
Jr. Member
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« on: April 12, 2010, 01:51:45 am »

CityStar ticket is good solution for Transsiberian travel, but I was wondering is it possible to buy CityStar ticket from Slovakia to St. Petersburg via Ukraine and Moscow? If it is, how much will be the cost for sleeping car reservation Moscow - St. Petersburg or seat on daytime trains (new Sapsan high-speed train)?
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« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2010, 04:28:29 pm »

CityStar ticket is good solution for Transsiberian travel, but I was wondering is it possible to buy CityStar ticket from Slovakia to St. Petersburg via Ukraine and Moscow?
Yes, why not. ZSSK offers two types of CityStars RZD<1500km and RZD<1500km.
Zernovo(gr)-SPb is <1500km, so CityStar will cost app. 100 euro.
  If it is, how much will be the cost for sleeping car reservation Moscow - St. Petersburg or seat on daytime trains (new Sapsan high-speed train)?
Since international timetable in 2008/2009 RZD dramatically increased the price of those, so nowadays sleeper Moscow - St. Petersburg will cost app. 40 euro, for high-speed trains (like "Sapsan") even more - 60+ euro (used to be 4). Same story with Kyiv-Moscow sleepers: reservation for RZD carriages cost like three time more than for the UZ carriage.

p.s. btw, we want to remind you - CityStars Srbija-Rusija as well exists, only via Romania (or Bulgaria, Romania), as well as BDZ-RZD. Those are a little bit more expensive, than ZSSK-RZD, but maybe might be more convenient (depending on your agenda)
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« Reply #2 on: April 13, 2010, 12:22:26 am »

It's cheaper with Slovakian CityStar, because CityStar Srbija - Rusija via Romania is 180EUR for RŽD<1500km and 216EUR for RŽD>1500km.

(off topic) As you sad that reservation is much more expensive for Russian cars then for Ukrainian. There is train 53D Harkov Pass - Vladivostok on which there are Ukrainian cars. Maybe reservation with CityStar ticket for this train is much cheaper then with Russian train. Do you know something about that? And also, there is a direct sleeper Berlin - Novosibirsk (and maybe al the way to Irkutsk at summer months). Do you know how mach the reservation for those cost?

 And one more offtopic question: Is it possible for CityStar ticket Slovakia - Russia that there is different route going to Russia and going back (including different border point between Ukraine and Russia)?
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« Reply #3 on: April 13, 2010, 01:32:39 am »

It's cheaper with Slovakian CityStar, because CityStar Srbija - Rusija via Romania is 180EUR for RŽD<1500km and 216EUR for RŽD>1500km.
Yes, we are aware of these facts, but you need to pay for the tickets Serbia-Slovakia and back too ;)
+ some travelers might want to see Romania (or Bulgaria and Romania) on their way.
As you sad that reservation is much more expensive for Russian cars then for Ukrainian. There is train 53D Harkov Pass - Vladivostok on which there are Ukrainian cars. Maybe reservation with CityStar ticket for this train is much cheaper then with Russian train. Do you know something about that?
First thing - there will be no more of that historic train any more since this year summer schedule. They will cut it till Ufa only. Second thing, specifically about why it is hard to use it - the route of this train goes partly via Kazakhstan and previously cashiers refused to issue East-West sleepers for this train.
+ HAFAS doesn't see it.
And also, there is a direct sleeper Berlin - Novosibirsk (and maybe al the way to Irkutsk at summer months). Do you know how mach the reservation for those cost?
Berlin - Novosibirsk sleeper reservation will cost app. 60 euro
Is it possible for CityStar ticket Slovakia - Russia that there is different route going to Russia and going back (including different border point between Ukraine and Russia)?
ZSSK website directly says: "Cesta tam a cesta späť sa môže uskutočniť rôznymi pohraničnými prechodovými bodmi, ktoré sa uvedú na cestovnom lístku pri jeho výdaji.", but, in order to be 100% sure, it is better to email ZSSK directly about this matter.
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« Reply #4 on: April 13, 2010, 11:33:48 am »

Thank you, for your answers!

Well, Beograd - Budapest return ticket is 26 eur, and Budapest - Bratislava also return ticket is 16 eur, so it is still cheaper via Slovakia, then via Romania.

Do you know will Berlin (Warsaw) - Irkutsk sleeper run this summer?
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« Reply #5 on: April 13, 2010, 12:09:52 pm »

Do you know will Berlin (Warsaw) - Irkutsk sleeper run this summer?
Probably not, there is no signs of either of carriages on RZD or DB/PKP websites
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« Reply #6 on: April 13, 2010, 12:55:21 pm »
In meantime I found that Berlin - Irkutsk sleeper is shown here. In case it starts running will it be the same reservation cost as for Berlin - Novosibirsk (60eur) or little bit more?

It's not shown here:, but it's noted here, on bottom of page:

>>Поезд № 013Й/014Й Москва – Берлин с беспересадочными вагонами Москва – Париж, Санкт-Петербург – Берлин, Иркутск – Берлин.<<
« Last Edit: April 13, 2010, 01:51:25 pm by rasha » Logged
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« Reply #7 on: April 13, 2010, 04:30:31 pm »

In case it starts running will it be the same reservation cost as for Berlin - Novosibirsk (60eur) or little bit more?
The distance is a little bit different, so obviously sleeper reservation would be a little bit more expensive.
It's not shown here:, but it's noted here, on bottom of page:
>>Поезд № 013Й/014Й Москва – Берлин с беспересадочными вагонами Москва – Париж, Санкт-Петербург – Берлин, Иркутск – Берлин.<<
It seems that it is better to trust the first link (since carriage suppose to be listed there), then some secondary note at the bottom of RZD-PKP page.
Anyway, at the moment neither Russian or German system sees it, so the only thing we can say - it was running three previous summers, but not yet in the system for the upcoming one.
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« Reply #8 on: May 29, 2010, 08:27:08 pm »

if i will buy ticket on Zilina-Moscow car in Slovakia, how much will be the price??? and can i book ticket on this train, because in Russia there are no tickets even for max. period: 45 days.
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« Reply #9 on: May 29, 2010, 09:39:49 pm »

if i will buy ticket on Zilina-Moscow car in Slovakia, how much will be the price??? and can i book ticket on this train, because in Russia there are no tickets even for max. period: 45 days.
Ticket+sleeper reservation Zilina-Moscow cost 114 euro, when there is no Zilina-Moscow carriage, then there is Kosice-Moscow carriage (ticket+sleeper reservation - 93 euro).

Tickets for such international connections are sold up to 60 days in advance (45 days rule applies only for Russian domestic travels and travels from Russia to Ukraine, Belarus and other exUSSR countries)
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« Reply #10 on: May 29, 2010, 09:54:44 pm »

45 days - is the max. term to buy tickets in CIS countries, even on international trains...
now i guessed, why there are no tickets even for 45 days: all tickets were purchased by europeans for 60 days :(
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« Reply #11 on: May 29, 2010, 10:09:43 pm »

45 days - is the max. term to buy tickets in CIS countries, even on international trains.
Not quite, international tickets from CIS countries to Europe are sold as well starting from 60 days in advance, so in your case it is probably some other obstacle - either no tickets available or maybe there will be slight timetable change and ticket sale is simply blocked yet.

Where exactly you try to purchase your ticket and what route (full route Zilina-Moscow purchasing in Slovakia? or not)?
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« Reply #12 on: May 29, 2010, 10:15:37 pm »

I try to book this ticket on there are NO tickets at all. Then i called to Kyivsky Rail Station. There are NO tickets too.
And this is not only on this train. Tiskets Minsk-Warszawa, for example, appear only for 45 days... This term is everywhere: In Belarus, in Russia, in Ukraine...

p.s. Can anyone explain me this paragraph:
But there is a good trick to save some money. Main secret is in the use of foreign/international train tickets for domestic Russian routes. Best offers here from Slovakia, Serbia and Bulgaria. All this countries sell CityStar tickets to Russia. Here some numbers for the most popular Slovakia-Russia CityStar (via Ukraine): CityStar itself costs 134.4 euro (2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th person of a group travelling together pays additionally only 67,2 EUR or half out of basic price). So return ticket any station in Slovakia-Vladivostok- any station in Slovakia for two people costs only 201.6 euro. But you still need to buy sleeping car reservations (specific place in specific train).

Zilina-Moscow (Zilina it is the first train station from were run train to Moscow via Ukraine) reservation costs only 24 euro; Moscow-Vladivostok 220 euro (Moskva – Irkutsk 148 EUR; Irkutsk – Vladivostok 127 EUR etc.). Two full tickets Moscow-Vladivostok-Moscow will cost you only 201.6euro+220*4= 1081.6 euro while domestic Russian tickets for two for the same route and the same train cost – app.1500 euro. You save more than 400 euro out of nothing + you can use your ticket from Bratislva/Kosice/Lviv/Kiev etc. (in this case you save even more)
specially about Zilina-Moscow for 24 Euro...

And one question more: are there RUSSIAN cars on this international trains??? I mean usual russian "kupe" and "СВ" but not european 2 or 3 seats cars. Are there a "plackart" maybe? ;)
« Last Edit: May 29, 2010, 10:35:27 pm by Tshen » Logged
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« Reply #13 on: May 29, 2010, 10:50:51 pm »

I try to book this ticket on there are NO tickets at all.
There are three types of tickets in Russia: domestic, interstate ("mezgosudarstvennye" - to CIS countries) and international ("megdynarodnye" to all other European countries + China, N.Korea and Mongolia). And there is no way to purchase international tickets online from website - it is simply impossible technically, so no need even to try, while first two categories you can purchase online.
But anyway, it sounds rather strange that at Moskva-Kievskaya train station they told you that there is no ticket for this carriage. What date did you ask about?
are there RUSSIAN cars on this international trains??? I mean usual russian "kupe" and "СВ" but not european 2 or 3 seats cars. Are there a "plackart" maybe?
Yes, Zilina-Moscow carriage belongs to Russian Railways, but it is special RIC format. Usual second class compartment is for 3 people. RIC carriage from outside - and from inside
"Platskart" carriages don't cross the border, so you can catch them only from Moscow to Chop (last Ukrainian station before Slovakia). No "kupe" or "SV" carriages in that direction either, so only 3 bed compartments in 2 class or 2 bed compartments in 1st class (actually in 1st class it is the same compartment as in 2nd class, but railways simply don't sell the middle bed)
specially about Zilina-Moscow for 24 Euro...
It is the fare for sleeper reservation ("rezervaziya mesta" or "platskarta"), in order to travel you also need the ticket (for distance)
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« Reply #14 on: May 29, 2010, 11:13:24 pm »

i asked to 11 of july.
it is very strange that it is impossible to book ticket out of Cis... but some year ago my friend have booked tickets to Vilnius in that way...
nevertheless, 114Euro is too expensive for me... i'll try to go by this route, but with a lot of changes: Minsk-Lvov by 47train, then Lvov-Uzhgorod by 15train, then Uzhgorod-Cosice by bus and then to L.Mikulas by train. 47Euros for all... Neither more nor less, but it is cheaper in 2.5 times...
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