Leave Amsterdam on sunday 25 Aug for Paris. Overnight in Paris before heading to Lourdes on the Monday.
For leg from Amsterdam to Paris you can purchase discounted tickets either via mentioned above tgv-europe.com,
thalys.com or
Dutch Railways website. Besides stop in Paris for the night, you can as well get an overnight train to Lourdes right away, even possible to purchase one through ticket Amsterdam-Paris-Lourdes
Have read a lot of your info I got a little confused when reading about international tickets that allowed stopovers in the price of the ticket but I dont think that applies to our destinations.
Well, theoretically such international SCIC-NRT ticket can be used for your journeys, although there are couple rather essential problems in your case: a) you won't be able to buy it in Netherlands and b) it doesn't work for high-speed trains like
Thalys (from Amsterdam to Paris) because there a bit different tariff is used. So at the end it is probably not really an option for you, better to stick with discounted tickets purchased online in advance
Two nights in Lourdes then departing on Wed 28th to Bayonne overnight then to Paris on 29th August. The other trips decided to do as day trips from Paris one to Tour and another to Dijon and possibly Rouen. With these day trips I suppose it depends on th price whether we book in advance if the TVG or Intercity is cheaper that TER
Now you know where to check all the prices and purchase tickets - tgv-europe.com. For instance Paris to Dijon by TER train is 43,8 euro one-way, while discounted ticket for TGV trains can be as low as 22 euro, more or less same story with Paris to Tours - IntetCites & TGV trains can be as low as 20 euro, while full fare for InterCites (no direct TER trains here) train ticket here is 34,3 euro
Thanks we would not ever travel by train in europe without consulting
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