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Messages - mike

Pages: [1]
Train fares and tariffs / train discounts for seniors
« on: August 05, 2015, 01:13:30 pm »
I am about to celebrate my 65th birthday with a trip through Europe and see that some European countries offer free or discounted train tickets to EU citizens, or in the case of Hungary, to anyone in this age group.  However I have been unable to find a comprehensive list of these countries showing associated costs, registration requirements and benefits.

After reading your 'tips and tricks', is it possible to book a free, or discounted ticket, to a country's border and purchase, from the same station, a paid ticket across the border to my destination.  Are the ticket staff happy to accommodate such a purchase or is this ticket splitting frowned upon? 

I’m thinking of planning a trip that makes the most of these bargains - while I still can!

Thank you and congratulations on maintaining such a useful website.

Pages: [1]
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