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All other train travel questions / Re: OeBB Nightjet seats compartment?
« on: January 11, 2019, 04:50:19 pm »
It seems I can book a whole seats compartment for myself (Hamburg-Zurich) if I want.
If you pay for all 6 Seats sure!
Its better when you Book an Single Bed Sleeping Car. The Benefit is you can Look the Door and prevent with that many thieves from Stealing.
Are these armrests movable? My interest is being able to lie down across one row of seats if I can -- cheaper than a couchette with more privacy.
Its better when you take 2 and lie down in the direction of Travel. Its more comport.
privacy? The Door and Wall are made of Transparent Plastic so there is no Privacy.
In the 1970's in compartments on some trains had opposing seats that could be pulled together or nearly together. This made a makeshift bed that one could lie on. Is this possible on present day OeBB Nightjet trains?
normally Yes.
If you have more Question about Public Transport in Austria:

General Discussion / Re: forum&website
« on: October 01, 2018, 12:08:03 pm »
When it will be GDPR Compliant?

Train fares and tariffs / Re: Cheper Ticket? (Austria - Czech Republic)
« on: October 01, 2018, 12:06:55 pm »
If you travel Vienna -> CZ (Brno,... ,... Praha) I can recommend
That Company have 100x better Service onboard there Trains and better Food!
(The use mostly the "old" comfortable ÖBB Cars)

Train fares and tariffs / Re: train discounts for seniors
« on: October 01, 2017, 03:11:28 pm »
Please Note in Austria the situation is very difficult depend on the Ticket/ Area a "ÖBB Vorteilscard" is need who cost 29€ / 365Day.
A Senior Ticket could cost more than a Regular ÖBB Ticket!

Train fares and tariffs / Re: Brno to Budapest
« on: October 01, 2017, 03:04:52 pm »
Please note the Ticket are not Flexible.

a) Do you need a Flexible Ticket?
b) How old are you?
c) Do you have any European Discount Card (Railplus)?

How about a Bus when you want CHEAP?

I dont speak CZ...
Where you can use an EURegio Austria ticket
    for 2nd class travel on ČD regional (Os), regional fast (Sp), fast (R, Rx) trains and express trains (Ex)
    for 2nd class travel on Austrian Railways (ÖBB) category REX, R and S regional trains
In real life it might be easier just to go with the direct international ticket and not to think about tricks
Sure in my case i will help travellers who travel from/ to Austria to get the best offer but at a point its insane to split the tickets.
The CZK/ € exchange also cost. So 27 CZK cost more because it cost me X€ for exchange.

And you forgot something important! Split Ticket mean I an screwed up if something happen!!!

Does Czech conductors really ride all the way to Summerau and check the tickets on leg Rybnmik-Summerau?
When he scan my InKarta he will see it.
And yes the CD/ ÖBB will change in Summerau. I dont want make a research but it look like the Boarder is between the 2 Station.
you purchase 2 euro 2nd class ticket Rybnik-Summerau Bahnhof (EURegio offer)
On the "EX" Train the Ticket cost more. And which "Euregio" do you mean? The ÖBB Cancel all Euregio Offer.
The Ticket for the EX Train cost 2Class 4,20€.
and additionally to that 1st class Czech domestic(!) ticket Rybnik-Summerau (Gr.), it cost 27 CZK.
+ CZK/ € change.
so 27CZK are ~1€.
It cost min. 29,20€ (+ for €/ CZK exchange)

The "direct CD Ticket" cost me 30€ and I get more CD Points.

Train fares and tariffs / Warning: Central Europe Triangle Pass !!!
« on: April 08, 2017, 12:47:22 pm »
Do not buy the "Central Europe Triangle Pass" !!!
3 One-Way Journeys Within 1 Month Between Vienna - Budapest - Prague - Vienna
3 One-Way Journeys Within 1 Month Between Vienna - Salzburg - Prague - Vienna
Do I need to travel on a specific route when going between cities?
Yes, but it’s important to note the “via” information for each city pair listed on your pass. A “via” is simply a city you must travel through on one of your routes. Rest assured these “vias” are the most direct routes between the cities listed on your pass.
So that is a huge problem the do not list if in advance!!!
For everyone who is not familiar with Train Travel a "via" Station mean you must travel true. For example: Salzburg - Prag via Linz. So you have change the Train in Linz.

Next problem the dont publish on which Train and or Train Categories the Ticket is Valid.
For example: Wien - Salzburg -> Westbahn only, ÖBB only, ÖBB and Westbahn,....

So i cant NOT recommend the Ticket!

Train fares and tariffs / Re: Cheper Ticket?
« on: April 08, 2017, 12:17:36 pm »
it seems to be better to go with OeBB sparschiene ticket Summerau-Vienna (if bought in advance via OeBB website it costs only 14 euro + 10 euro for 1st class extra)
so far so good but:
while for the short cross-border 15 min. Rybnik-Summerau leg you can simply purchase a separate ticket for 2 euro
Rybnik - Wien cost 34€ with Sparschiene.
Summerau - Wien cost 24€
So here the problem start... The "Ex" Train have a 1Class Car. From the Boarder (Summerau) to Linz the Train become a "REX" = Local Train in Austria who have no 1Class that mean the 1Class Car can use with a 2Class Ticket. That mean I need a 1Class Ticket Rybnik-Summerau to sitt the hole Trip in the 1Class.
Rybnik-Summerau cost 6,90€ (ÖBB Vorteilscard)
and the CD: International ticket, 1st class, 1 person with IN25    213 CZK -> ~8€

Train fares and tariffs / Cheper Ticket? (Austria - Czech Republic)
« on: April 07, 2017, 07:28:40 pm »
I need some CD Points and make a nice trip. Is there a cheaper way? 1Class only.
Code: [Select]
Station Departure / arrival Journey time Trains and services
Wien Hbf
Dep. 16.5.2017, 07:10
3 hours 56 min.
 RJ 70 Gustav Mahler

Praha hl.n.
Arr. 16.5.2017, 11:06

 waiting for the next train 22 mins
Praha hl.n.
Dep. 16.5.2017, 11:28
2 hours 19 min.
 R 610 Karlex

Arr. 16.5.2017, 13:47

 waiting for the next train 1 hrs 41 mins
Dep. 16.5.2017, 15:28
2 hours 26 min.
 R 1189

Plzeň hl.n.
Arr. 16.5.2017, 17:54

 waiting for the next train 8 mins
Plzeň hl.n.
Dep. 16.5.2017, 18:02
1 hours 53 min.
 R 657 Josef Skupa

České Budějovice
Arr. 16.5.2017, 19:55

 waiting for the next train 9 mins
České Budějovice
Dep. 16.5.2017, 20:04
47 min.
 Ex 1547 Váša Příhoda

Arr. 16.5.2017, 20:51

1214 CZK +20 double points → 45,66€

Departure / arrival
Journey time
Trains and services
Dep. 16.4.2017, 20:53
1 hours 14 min.
 Ex 1547 Váša Příhoda

Linz Hbf
Arr. 16.4.2017, 22:07

 waiting for the next train 7 mins
Linz Hbf
Dep. 16.4.2017, 22:14
1 hours 16 min.
 RJ 663

Wien Hbf
Arr. 16.4.2017, 23:30

800 CZK +10 → 30€

I am often Travel in Austria, CZ, SK, HU,...
If you have more question about the Country i will try help you.
Please note a Discount Ticket cant be change or cancel!!!
If you not book a Compartment with Shower in fact you cant shower onboard the Train. In my case I know my Hotel Brand the lett me checkin in the morning for a shower.

Travel plans, routes and timetables / Re: CH Interrail?
« on: February 02, 2017, 10:37:57 pm »
Why not? )))
I dont know. I was not my idea buy a Train without a WC.
there are huge number of TGV trains around and it's pretty usual and ordinary rolling-stock for the region
But not for mine. Here no TGV operate...
To me "interesting rolling-stock" is either something unique to this country or something not widely used
I my case i will try some trains i never tooked before.
So with this logic I myself would prefer a ride in 50 year old trainset and not some new Alstom/Stadler emu produced in hundreds and running in dozen countries in Europe
lol here in Vienna old Trains operate day by day. The were build 1978–1987. Even in CZ, SK, HU operate old Cars. Sorry the are just boring for me. And here in Austria no Alstom Trains and just the Westbahn use normal Gauge Stadler Trains.

Travel plans, routes and timetables / Re: CH Interrail?
« on: February 02, 2017, 08:06:36 pm »
haha like the Thurbo who have no WC?

I dont know where are you from but I never drive on a TGV or ETR610. This will the first real Train ride in CH. (Just Wien - Zürich and arround the Bodensee.)

Travel plans, routes and timetables / Re: CH Interrail?
« on: February 02, 2017, 05:13:46 pm »

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