Train fares and tariffs / Re: Questions about the Slovakian CityStar ticket to Russia
« on: June 27, 2012, 08:15:20 am »
Hello tut,
Hello rasha-
Hello to all the others:
here is a short update:
I bought tickets online with the bookinkg.uz.gov.ua from Uzhgorod - Kiev (168,82 Hrywna) Kiev- Moscow (473,82 Hrywna) Thats for 2 Persons about 134 euro.
Yesterday I tried to make reaservations at the cologne main station.
Sleeper in T4 from Moscow to Kazan in Train # 050M was 84 euros (2 Persons).
Then the clerk told me that he is unable to make reservation for the train with the numbers 307C and 340/350 Ч
He said, that there is no need for making reservation for such a train. Is he right?
My route is finally planned:
Viienna - Bratislava py bus.
Bratislava- Michalovce R615 23:40- 07:09 Buying on board
Going to Chop by Bus/Taxi
Chop - Kiev 082 Л allready booked with bookinkg.uz.gov.ua
Kiev- Moskow 022K allready booked with bookinkg.uz.gov.ua
Moskow - Kazan 050M Reservation 84 Euro
Kazan - Yekaterinburg (no reservation needed?)
Yekaterinburg - Ishim ( no reservation needed?)
Ishim - Vladivostok 240 Э (reservation on the 29.06)
and back Vladivostok - Nizny Nowgorod with the Rossija (reservation end of next week)
What is cheaper: Buying city star ticket in Michalovce > 1500 km for two or is there the possibility to buy the tickets at the counter in Russia?
many thanks