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Messages - ghioane007

Pages: [1]
Train fares and tariffs / MAV ticket
« on: April 23, 2018, 06:17:14 am »
Hello All,

Is MAV able to issue tickets and reservations for Kiev-Debrecen journey in the through sleeping car Kiev-Vienna? If yes, how much in advance can they be bought?

Thank you

Thank you


Can you please let me know what is the best option to travel from Oradea (Romania) to Moscow? For now i found 2 options:

1. Oradea- Suceava- Moscow (train 60 "Bulgaria Express" - however, the arrival time in  Moscow does not suits my needs) Fare is 120 EUR return ticket + sleeper reservations;
2. Oradea- Debrecen- Moscow ( train 16 "Tissza" - Fares from Debrecen starting at 181 EUR return ticket + 28 EUR T3 sleeper/person/journey)

Can you please tell me if there are any cheaper solutions, other than tickets to the border and domestic ones? Is worth the CityStar Slovakia option worth considering?

Thank you in advance

Train fares and tariffs / Re: Debrecen- Kiev via Zahony, Chop, Lvov
« on: February 15, 2010, 10:04:52 am »
thanks again...and if we will go in Debrecen, they can get those ticket only from Kiev to Debrecen for instance?that, in case we decide to only come from Kiev to Debrecen, not going to Kiev...we curently seek the best posibility

Train fares and tariffs / Re: Debrecen- Kiev via Zahony, Chop, Lvov
« on: February 14, 2010, 04:52:08 pm »
anyway, 55 euros doesn`t seems very expensive after more question: we can buy those tickets from anywhere in Hungary or we must go into a bigger town, like Debrecen for instance or we can go in a smaller town, like Biharkeresztes?do they have computerized ticket sistem or they have to write the tickets by hand?

Train fares and tariffs / Re: Debrecen- Kiev via Zahony, Chop, Lvov
« on: February 14, 2010, 08:26:20 am »
Thanks for the help very much

Train fares and tariffs / Debrecen- Kiev via Zahony, Chop, Lvov
« on: February 13, 2010, 08:36:33 pm »
we are three friends from Romania, and we intend to make a trip to Kiev somewhere in may, this year...The problem is that our railway company (CFR) does not have the posibility to sell or book for us tickets and reservations for train 15/16 "Tisza Express", Budapest Keleti- Moscow Kievskaia for the Debrecen- Kiev journey, and they told us that only from Ukraine we could get tickets and reservations for this train, since he does not run on romanian teritory...
I want to know if the hungarian train reservation sistem could get us this tickets and reservations aproximately 1 month ahead of the trip because we want to come in Debrecen to buy them if possible...and if anyone of you knows the price for this journey...any information will help...thanks

Pages: [1]
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