Personal travel experience and trip reports / Serbia > From Dimitrovgrad to Niš
« on: April 17, 2010, 07:18:31 pm »
Hello to everone on this forum. I am from Serbia and I am a big fan of railway. Like to travel with train and every time is possible with train, with my good friend also railwayfan. And I am educated railwayman.
In this thopic I will present you travel with train from city Dimitrovgrad (border with Bulgaria) to city Niš, wich situated on river Nišava.
Let`s go...
This is renovated station Dimitrovgrad by night

Its a Serbian diesel - electric locomotive with number 661-138

Its a Bulgarian loco 44 144

This loco will pull us train, number 490 to Niš. Its Serbian loco 661-152

Will be more pictures in next posts...
In this thopic I will present you travel with train from city Dimitrovgrad (border with Bulgaria) to city Niš, wich situated on river Nišava.
Let`s go...
This is renovated station Dimitrovgrad by night

Its a Serbian diesel - electric locomotive with number 661-138

Its a Bulgarian loco 44 144

This loco will pull us train, number 490 to Niš. Its Serbian loco 661-152

Will be more pictures in next posts...