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Messages - tUt

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Train fares and tariffs / Re: Brno to Budapest
« on: September 24, 2017, 11:23:14 pm »
Probably cheapest (and easiest) option is to purchase so called "Včasná jízdenka Evropa" (= First Minute Europe) offer tickets. Brno-Budapest one-way ticket under this offer is 12 euro (app. 320 CZK) or twice that return. It can be purchased online via Czech Railways (CD) e-shop - The only important nuance here is that number of such discounted tickets is limited per each departure, thus in order to get this price you should buy your tickets in advance. In case you can't do it, then it's possible to look into other options (incl. use of City Star ticket, but perhaps CZ-SK and not CZ-HU)

I've heard there are group tickets and also something called City Star tickets but I haven't been able to find much information about those, especially concerning prices.
Group ticket and City Star ticket are basically the same thing in this case, however in case of CZ-HU connection it's not the best option, since will cost you twice more than the combination of "First Minute Europe" tickets.

PS: So far the cheapest return ticket I found is 30€/person, is that a decent price for this trip?
Well, it's not bad, especially taking into consideration that when buying before departure straight forward Brno-Bud.-Brno ticket would cost you 56,6 EUR per person

Train fares and tariffs / Re: train discounts for seniors
« on: August 15, 2017, 01:21:26 pm »
But will not there be problems with ticket controllers?
In this case I'm afraid the only way to be 100% sure is to ask Turkish railways (TCDD) directly (you can find the contacts on the same website). Simple reference to the website might not be enough, especially in the situation when ticket conductor probably won't speak English and will not have experience with non-Turkish senior passengers.

To be honest, never had an actual experience of buying BDZ ticket on board, however BDZ rules in this context state only that: "1. Когато пътуването е започнало без билет от необслужвана спирка, от междугарие или по вина на билетния касиер /билетопродавача/ и пътникът се качи в първия вагон на влака или в друг, посочен от кондуктора. Ако пътникът се намира в друг вагон, заплаща цените по Таблица №4." (i.e. passengers won't need to pay extra supplement/fine when boarding the train on a station without ticket counter only if they board the first carriage of the train or other carriage which was designated by the conductor, apparently meaning during the time of the stop when conductors get out of train and whistle the departure). So no specific instruction to search for a ticket condutor

Train fares and tariffs / Re: train discounts for seniors
« on: August 11, 2017, 10:40:43 pm »
Well, if we aren't mistaken before there was a note regarding "Türk uyruklu" (i.e. Turkish nationals) in this case, now it's not there, so you can definitely try to get the discount. Why not? However, knowing the TCDD ticket counters (especially not on major stations), don't be surprised if the cashier will refuse to issue a senior ticket (either knowingly or just due to lack of knowledge)

Is there any rhyme or reason behind the Spanish train prices?  I’ve spent days producing a spread sheet, taking screen grabs to track all the variables but now, when the tickets are on sale they are considerably more expensive (especially when buying more than one), or I don’t know if a train that runs in all previous weeks is unavailable, sold out or just not posted yet.  I’m beginning to think I’ll hire a car just to avoid the frustration!  I can't find any festivals for the dates I'm travelling and I can't believe it's like hiring a car when the price goes up just because you've researched the dates one too many times.
I can never remember having this problem in other european countries.
Hmm... it's a long story and a guessing gaming, but indeed Renfe is very badly organized when it comes to the ticket sale logic, but sometimes you just keep wondering maybe it's intentionally done like this, so that potential tourist-passengers would just buy a Spanish pass or expensive ticket?
What concerns "researched the dates one too many times", you can check it easily by cleaning renfe cookies from your browser or using other pc ;)

Madrid to Girona waiting for advance purchase for the first morning train then TEISA 300 bus to Garrotxa Volcanic Nature Reserve where we’re staying.  Why are the Spanish tickets so random??
For a cheaper journey you might actually try buying separately Madrid to Barcelona and then, not necessarily in advance, Barcelona-Girona (at least check you date)
Nat Park to Valencia.  It seems the TEISA 300 bus to Girona with a 2hr transfer for Girona to Valencia via Barcelona works best. Waiting for cheap tickets to come online.  Should I buy as a through journey in case there’s a holdup on the first leg?
Again, it makes sense to check both options (meaning through ticket and Barcelona-Valencia separately). Doubt there will be any hold up on Girona-Barcelona leg, it's a major route with trains running very often
Valencia to Girona. Ditto
If you know the exact date, you can also try checking Barc.-Valencia-Barcelona return. Two one-way promo tariff ticket will be cheaper, but Renfe also offers return discount.
Girona to Collioure.  Rodalies gencat R11 to Cerbere (buy at station); then I have found the train1euro (online) tickets connecting Cerbere to Collioure.  I think I can buy a standard ticket at Cerbere if I can’t buy the 1euro online.
With the short journeys like this even full fare (3,7 euro in this case) aren't
I can have either a 1hr 10min or 11mins transfer at Cerbere.  What’s the likelihood of a missed connection on these trains?
The departing train should wait for the passengers from the arriving one, so 11 mins should be enough, but if you have time you can always stop in Cerbere for a bit longer
Collioure to Perpignan.  I’ll avail myself of the cheap 1euro fares if possible or the 1euro bus. Otherwise cash on the day.
Yep, nothing to add here
Perpignan to Montpellier.  Again the subsidised fare or do you think it more prudent to book standard fares. I’ll have just landed in HK when the 1euros come on sale for that leg!!  Or is there another way?
Why to pay more, if you can travel cheaper? Especially since Perpignan to Montpellier is already decent distance and paying almost 30 euro doesn't look like a good choice when you have a chance purchase your tickets in advance

I’m also thinking of using the Historical subsidised fares in this region.  From my understanding I can buy these at the local train stations particular to the route i.e. Nimes or Perpignan, 2 of the 5 Historical routes.
The full info is here in French - , but you can also read something in English (e.g. )

Montpellier to Niort (closest station) or La Rochelle Ville or Poitiers. There only seems to be one train per day via Bordeaux, the others go through Paris but there is a selection. These also seem to be online now so I’m running out of cheap fares.
Well, France is often very Pariscentric, meaning that it's faster to travel via Paris, even if geographically Paris is a detour. If you want to look at some option not involving Paris, then would suggest to check the DB website for timetable (it will show you possible options, while then it will be a task to figure out how to buy it from SNCF)

Niort, La Rochelle or Poitiers to London.  I looked at flying but by the time we’ve driven to the airport, hung around and taken the train/tube into London it seems to be just as easy to take the train to Paris & St P.  Trains are more frequent (Sat or Sun) and we could allow a few hours layover in Paris - once we’ve stored the bags.  Your thoughts please if there are any cheap alternative train tips.  If we’re re travelling both ways Paris to Niort (for example) is it cheaper to get a return ticket?
In France return or one-way it usually doesn't matter, more important is to catch promo tickets, however witht Eurostar trains sometimes it might be cheaper to purchase not from Paris, but from some earlier relatively big French station (in your case e.g. Poitiers) + make sure you check both Eurostar website and SNCF website, those might have a different price for the same departure :)

London to Norwich rtn
and possibly London to Chester rtn  or I could combine the two journeys i.e. London - Norwich - Chester - London
On the Nationall Rail website (as aggregator of all the UK rail operators) you can purchase so called "Advance" tickets for very decent money compared to the standard fare (10 vs. 20+), same story is for London-Chester (20 vs 80+)

Dear SEL, first of all sorry for the much delayed reply, this year summer vacation wasn't rail related, but more mountaineering, thus lack of internet

Anyhow, let's go step by step

Madrid to Toledo: very short trip, which basically means no need to think about train tickets in advance (20 euro per person will get you there & back). Buses are cheaper (like 5 euro one way per person), but it takes longer.

Madrid to Valencia: an opposite situation --> buying your train ticket before departure will cost you a fortune (>70 euro for high-speed AVE train), while in advance purchase (e.g. now for September) can help you get your ticket for the same AVE train like three times cheaper. Buses are cheaper (even with the standard full fare), however it will mean 4+ hour journey. In such cases it might make sense just use slow regional train (= ticket price doesn't depend on when you buy your ticket).

Valencia to Girona: almost the same story as above, meaning rather lengthy journey will cost a lot with the ticket purchased before departure (from 40 to 60 euro depending on train choice), while in advance purchase will give you a chance to catch a promo tariff twice cheaper

Girona to Figueres: short & cheap (5 euro one way), so no need to bother with any in advance train ticket purchase, just make sure you use an ordinary regional train and not a fancy high-speed one

Girona to Cerbere: also short & cheap (=no need to buy in advance), however are you sure you want to travel to Cerbere and then again get back to Girona? Since Cerbere is very close to Perpignan, maybe it makes sense not to get back, meaning visit Cerbere on your way from Girona to Perpignan (e.g drop you luggage at the station & go for a walk, while then just continue to Perpignan)

Girona to Portlligat/Cadaques: no railway here (maximum till Figueres), so it's either bus or perhaps car rental (preferred option I guess in this case)

Girona to Perpignan: direct trains are kind of expensive, but with ticket break via Cerbere (meaning Girona-Cerbere + Cerbere-Perpignan) you can easily travel for <15 euro per person

to be continued...

On the "EX" Train the Ticket cost more. And which "Euregio" do you mean? The ÖBB Cancel all Euregio Offer.
The Ticket for the EX Train cost 2Class 4,20€.
Hmm... apparently CD didn't cancel it - . And it is valid on "osobních vlaků (Os), spěšných vlaků (Sp), rychlíků (R), rychlíků vyšší kvality (Rx) a expresů (Ex) Českých drah", no separate price for EX (on the bottom of "Cenik" you can find the price-table per km for Czech & Austrian parts)
The "direct CD Ticket" cost me 30€ and I get more CD Points.
Well, choice here is totally yours + in this case difference of couple euro isn't something essential, so... it's just a simple train geek matter whether there is a cheaper option or not. In real life it might be easier just to go with the direct international ticket and not to think about tricks

That mean I need a 1Class Ticket Rybnik-Summerau to sitt the hole Trip in the 1Class.
Does Czech conductors really ride all the way to Summerau and check the tickets on leg Rybnmik-Summerau? But even if it is so and you don't want to play "dumb passenger", then there is another small trick to play here - you purchase 2 euro 2nd class ticket Rybnik-Summerau Bahnhof (EURegio offer) and additionally to that 1st class Czech domestic(!) ticket Rybnik-Summerau (Gr.), it cost 27 CZK. As result you with the later 1st class ticket you cover part from Rybnik till gr. point, while after gr. point you are totally fine with your 2nd class Rybnik-Summerau Bahnhof. The only in convenience here is that domestic tickets till gr. can be purchased only at the ticket counter (not online via CD e-Shop)

Train fares and tariffs / Re: Cheper Ticket?
« on: April 08, 2017, 11:01:55 am »
Well, 1214 CZK for Vienna-Prague-Chomutov-Plzen-Rybnik is pretty decent price for the 1st class train ticket (especially taking into consideration that only Vienna-Prague cost 34 euro in this case), however with Rybnik-Linz-Vienna it seems to be better to go with OeBB sparschiene ticket Summerau-Vienna (if bought in advance via OeBB website it costs only 14 euro + 10 euro for 1st class extra), while for the short cross-border 15 min. Rybnik-Summerau leg you can simply purchase a separate ticket for 2 euro

Travel plans, routes and timetables / Re: Albania train travel
« on: April 04, 2017, 11:51:26 am »
With Albania you hardly can be certain about anything, unfortunately :(

Albanians provide a very outdated train schedule, while the last on spot report we had is only from the summer 2016 (at that point the only Shkoder-Durres train was running 5:45-9:35, while the only Durres-Vlore was 13:30-18:30). As a guess, roughly the schedule should be similar to the 2016 version, perhaps some minor +/- dep./arr., but overall picture (meaning morning Shkoder-Durres & afternoon Durres-Vlore departure) shouldn't be much different.

If SparNight is the best price, then that is my solution as long as it can be booked online from USA. If so, I would appreciate a link.
Yep, Sparnight (also on Czech Railways (CD) website it might appear as "First Minute Europe" [Včasná jízdenka Evropa]) is the cheapest option and you can purchase it using the same website - (or they have newer version of the website, but it seem to be in Czech only for now - ). However keep in mind that discounted tickets on this connection gets sold out very fast and for many dates already not available (Czech part of the "Metropol" train is just a few carriages, while the German one, which comes from Berlin is already more expensive)

For me a full night, 8.5 hours or ride, I would like the best comfort so the next day I am fully energized to tour.
True, but best comfort in this situation might be simply to catch an evening train and spend a night at a hotel ;)

I looked at the pictures you sent. They are really nice, but I can't tell for which type of carriage they ere taken, so it is difficult to compare.
It's Czech WLABmz (according to the scheme of the train, carriage 362 suppose to be WLABmz, 363 shows as WLABmee)

When I picked an attachment, size was less than max at 62KB, it loaded it but when I tried to post it gave the error:
An Error Has Occurred!
Cannot access attachments upload path!
Ok, now it is clear. In this case it's better just to upload a pic to some online hosting and then post it as a link. Or you can always email it to us - [email protected] - and we'll post it

I am able to do a "seat reservation" of the sleeper. Will I need an additional train ticket as well or is it included in the price?
There are two types of "tickets" sold for this train: a) a discounted ones, so-called SparNight, which is basically a ticket+reservation in one (seats from 29 euro, couchette from 39 & sleepers from 59) and b) standard ticket (issued for the route), as addition to this one you can also purchase a reservation (either for a seat or berth, e.g. 3 bed sleeper reservation cost 386 CZK or app.14 euro)
I noticed that there are two different carriage arrangements. One with sink, and one with shared shower and WC.
Does anyone have experience to compare these? Are there any pictures of the two types of compartments?
Well, for instance this is the pics from a type of sleeper you can expect on Prague-Budapest route, but to be honest on such short connections presence of those extra features aren't so important, imho

I tried to attach a schematic of the 362 and 363 carriages, but it does not work ...
What do you mean by "doesn't work"?

Travel plans, routes and timetables / Re: Moldova/Ukraine - Connections
« on: February 21, 2017, 12:06:46 am »
I can do the mini bus to Iaşi for the day then (I assume it would be at the same location as the mini bus to Tiraspol and Odessa?).
The official buses appear to be departing from southern bus station (so-called Gara de Sud), however un/semi official ones might be departing from other places (e.g. in front of the railway station or central bus station next to the main market or even pick you up from your location in Chisinau)

I tried looking for Kolontaevska 58 before, but Google wasn't able to locate it for me, so your Google link helped me and I can check up on the time tables and such when I get there for the Autolux buses then since I'll have a few days to orient myself.
Well, perhaps there was some issue with RUS/UA transliteration and google maps when you've searched for Kolontaevska. Central bus station in Odesa located here - (it's not very far from the center, however a bit further west than the main railway station)

Also will need to find the bus to get to  Bilhorod-Dnistrovs'kyi and back as well, but I assume those would be at the main bus station if I can find it...
It seems that at least some minibuses to Bilhorod-Dnistrovs'kyi depart from the main railway station (bus number 560), but since it's rather popular destination from Odesa, I won't be surprised if there is other minibuses to B.-H. departing from elsewhere in Odesa as well. From the main Odesa bus station on Kolontaivs'ka (see above for the google maps link) you can probably catch only some transit buses, but not direct Odesa-B.-H.

It is true that Hungary is very Budapestcentric, however in this particular case you can probably avoid westbound Budapest detour by getting off RO-HU train in Püspökladany (one of the first Hungarian stations after the Romanian border near Oradea). From there you can either take direct intercity train to Miskolc or go first to Debrecen (and already from there travel to Miskolc either by direct bus or train). The whole idea here is to catch one of two direct Budapest-Kosice trains in Miskolc (while then it's less than 90 minutes from there to Kosice & only 6,50 € for the ticket)

To help you visualize the route - here is map of Hungarian railway network

... though may be the quickest route?
Well, Püspökladany-Debrecen-Miskolc option won't be very fast, since you will be kind of stuck waiting Budapest-Kosice train anyways (those run only two times per day, morning & evening), but here you can spend most of the time not on the road, but enjoying short stopovers in very nice town Debrecen or Hungarian wine region (meaning instead of Püspökladany-Budapest...wait in Budapest...Budapest-Miskolc option)

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