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Author Topic: Ljubljana-Augsburg  (Read 12646 times)
Posts: 23

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« on: June 01, 2011, 09:14:54 pm »

Hi travelers. I'll be going to Augsburg in August for a whole day to have fun at country festival. I'm asking now because of seat limits on some trains. Connections are well but prices not so. I'd like to use night train EN498, 499 LJ-Munich-LJ and the Bavaria ticket for Munich-Augsburg leg. Night train cost 39EUR each way and Bavaria ticket 21EUR so all together would be 99EUR. I was searching about other options. I looked at OBB home site and found limited tickets for 19EUR, Villach-Augsburg and Augsburg-Villach. That way I'm using also Regio ticket LJ-Villach-LJ which is 20EUR. All would be 58EUR. That's a good price but this way I need one overnight in Augsburg because Villach-Augsburg is a daytime train. Are there any other good options?
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« Reply #1 on: June 01, 2011, 10:39:34 pm »

The first option which pop ups immediately is the CityStar SZ-OeBB till Salzburg and Bavaria ticket from there.
SZ website doesn't list all the price ranges for CityStars SZ-OeBB, but we counted that CityStar SZ<100km OeBB <300km (or maybe even <400km) cost 47 EUR for one passenger (in your case CityStar Ljubljaba-Salzburg), guess you can recheck it in any international ticket desk without problems.
Salzburg is considered as "domestic" station for both OeBB and DB, thus you will just need to get off EN there, buy Bavaria ticket in the DB ticket machine (or you can do it online as well) and catch next regional train towards Munich. As result your total for Ljubljana-Augsburg-Ljubljana would be 47+21=68 EUR. The inconveniences here is that tricky Saturday night rule, thus such CityStar option won't work unless festival is on weekend. Plus a bit early/late change in Salzburg.
What definitely will work out any day of the week is 19 EUR SparSchiene Ljubljana-Salzburg (also it shouldn't be a problem to combine such Spar ticket with couchette/sleeper reservation if you want to) + Bavaria ticket from there, then you'll have 38 EUR+21 EUR in total. The inconvenience again is early/late change in Salzburg and we don't know how difficult is to catch those 19 EUR tickets.
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« Reply #2 on: June 02, 2011, 10:29:19 am »

Thanks. Yes, City Star costs 47EUR per person and it's a good option. The fair is also during weekend and I'll start my yourney Friday 23.50 from LJ and Sunday 1.34 back from Salzburg so there's Saturday night between both legs. There's connection at 4.58 from Salzburg to Munich via Freilassing and I think Bavaria ticket is enough to do that route. If I buy Bavaria ticket online do I need to replace it with a ticket at the station or is it OK using printed paper on trains?
According to SZ those Spar Schine tickets LJ-Salzburg(19 EUR) are valid only on trains 210,211 and not night trains so in my case this is not an option.
Hero Member
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« Reply #3 on: June 02, 2011, 01:31:36 pm »

There's connection at 4.58 from Salzburg to Munich via Freilassing and I think Bavaria ticket is enough to do that route.
Yes, during weekend Bavaria ticket is valid from 00:00, so no problem to use it here.
If I buy Bavaria ticket online do I need to replace it with a ticket at the station or is it OK using printed paper on trains?
You just print it on your own, no need to get standard ticket from ticket counter or machine.
According to SZ those Spar Schine tickets LJ-Salzburg(19 EUR) are valid only on trains 210,211 and not night trains so in my case this is not an option.
Hmm... might be, but at least on the website ( they don't limit SparSchiene only to daytime trains. While in case of Vienna SZ specifically lists trains for which SparSchiene can be bought, so one would expect similar thing for Slovenia-Salzburg. Strange... means SZ doesn't offer any discounted fare in connection SZ-OeBB for EN 498 at all?
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« Reply #4 on: June 02, 2011, 02:24:07 pm »

Strange and funny as I see there are limitations written only in slovenian language on SZ home site. In our case: Ponudba Spar Schiene velja na vlakih 210/110 in 111/211, which means offer is valid only on these trains. The only discount fare SZ-OBB for this train is Regio ticket, Ljubljana-Villach, return 20EUR. Region ticket is actually valid on all trains going in Villach direction.
Hero Member
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« Reply #5 on: June 02, 2011, 02:49:39 pm »

Strange and funny as I see there are limitations written only in slovenian language on SZ home site.
Aha... that is the answer
We just didn't recheck it in original Slovenian version, but relied on English version, which turn out to be a bit incomplete in this matters. Sorry about that... But at least CityStar option will work for you, thus you'll pay only 9 extra euro for CityStar comparing to 2 Spar tickets.
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« Reply #6 on: June 03, 2011, 12:43:43 pm »

For instance CityStar ticket Ljubljana to any station in Germany(without ICE) costs 155 EUR which is really good deal if more people are travelling and if you travel somewhere north in Germany and you can make stops along the route.
I'd like to know how much would cost Obb-DB CityStar, Salzburg-Augsburg(or Stuttgart) or Villach-Augsburg. I don't find specific infos. I doubt that would be usefull for my trip to Augsburg but I could be for any other trips to Germany as these CityStar tickets are realy good deals.
Hero Member
Posts: 1233

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« Reply #7 on: June 03, 2011, 06:22:11 pm »

OeBB doesn't issue CityStars anymore  :-\ (were "replaced" by other offers,4578647), thus now with OeBB-DB connections it's only TEE family discounts or Sparschiene.
I'd like to know how much would cost Obb-DB CityStar, Salzburg-Augsburg(or Stuttgart) or Villach-Augsburg. I don't find specific infos. I doubt that would be usefull for my trip to Augsburg but I could be for any other trips to Germany as these CityStar tickets are realy good deals.
Well, OeBB was not ZSSK or at least MAV, thus it's obviously was hard to count that you get really good fare for CityStar from Austria even when they existed. Because, first of all with TEE CityStar from OeBB other passengers don't get 50% off, but considerably less. Plus OeBB previous tariffs weren't cheap at all. For instance, Vienna-DB<400km used to cost 171.6 EUR for one person, while OeBB<100km and DB>100<200km - 54.4 EUR etc.
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