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Messages - tUt

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Travel plans, routes and timetables / Re: Family trip to Europe - take 2
« on: December 12, 2013, 12:01:24 am »
Everything you suggested worked out perfectly.
Glad to hear that ;) It's always nice when everything goes ok with big rail trips. Now you have something to remember :)

Travel plans, routes and timetables / Re: Trip to Bohemian Paradise
« on: December 05, 2013, 08:18:37 pm »
How do I get there, move around and where to stay?
It is possible to get to Adrspach or Teplice nad Metuji by train relatively easy with only one change in both cases.With Prague to Adrspach trip the whole journey will take roughly 4 hours (change of trains would have to be in Trutnov). With Prague to Teplice trip journey will take roughly 3:20 (change of trains have to be in Starkoc). For both routes train tickets can be purchased via Czech Railways eShop (same CD website will help with train schedules)
Also possible to travel both routes by bus only, however it will again require at least one change and won't be much faster (with Prague to Teplice actually traveling by bus would be even slower than using trains)
Between Adrspach, Teplice and nearest bigger towns (e.g Trutnov) you travel either by train (again CD website is of help to you) or by local bus (for instance schedule of some lines can be found here and here), thus as you can see there is nothing to worry about, local connections are rather frequent

For the hotels we usually recommend searching via aggregate websites like, just enter "Adrspach" and it will show you hotels in Adrspach and near by areas

Travel plans, routes and timetables / Re: Vilnius - Prague
« on: December 04, 2013, 02:45:14 pm »
PKP ticket office will refuse to sell a reservation based on such a combination.
Well, if to show the cashier all the tickets in straight forward sense, then maybe s/he will try to say that you can't purchase one through reservation for such combination (however, by the rules it's not forbidden to have couple tickets with one reservation). But there is absolutely no need to let cashier know about tricks like this ;) Just come and ask for reservation only, meaning without showing any tickets. Actual tickets can be purchase after or before in the neighboring ticket counter (or even at the other train station). Personally did such tricks and never had any problems combining one through reservation with couple tickets

Travel plans, routes and timetables / Re: Itinerary Prague to ?
« on: December 02, 2013, 12:47:38 am »
We've now added Berlin as a possibility, so if you have the link handy for those tickets, please do post.
For Prague-Berlin or Prague-Berlin-Prague tickets you can use mentioned in the previous post Czech Railways eShop. Also for Berlin might be a good idea to check out bus connections (like EuroLines or Student Agency), sometimes bus tickets Czech Republic-Germany are much cheaper than even discounted rail tickets

Travel plans, routes and timetables / Re: Itinerary help
« on: December 02, 2013, 12:44:24 am »
Well, plan is rather clear, so let's just go step by step and see what options do you have:

Prague to Brno: simple and easy domestic Czech connection. Multiple direct train connections and tickets start from just 180 CZK (if purchased in advance via Czech Railways eShop). Also available buses - here you can check schedules and companies/fares
Brno to Budapest: few direct connections per day, train tickets Brno-Budapest start from only 14 euro (it's discounted tickets sold in limited number per departure, so  better to purchase it in advance via mentioned above Czech Railways eShop)
Budapest to Ljubljana: unfortunately direct train was canceled some time ago, so nowadays there is only through carriages via Croatia (de-facto it's still direct connection, but carriages get reattached from one train to another in Zagreb). One-way ticket Budapest-Ljubljana is 39 euro, no need to buy it in advance, because price is always the same
Ljubljana to Lake Bled: depends on where exactly you need to be, but you can catch domestic Slovenian train from Ljubljana to station Lesce-Bled (from 40 min. to 1 hour journey depending on train type, tickets from 4,8 euro), station located just few km from town Bled. Or you can always take a bus (bus station & train station in Ljubljana are on the same square) directly to Bled
Lake Bled to Venice: there is no direct train here, but we would still suggest you to travel by rail with one change (Nova Gorica). In order to do so you'll need to catch local train from the station Bled Jezero (again few km from town Bled, but now in the opposite direction), journey Bled Jezero-Nova Gorica is roughly 1:45 & 6,22 euro, scenery is just stunning over there. While Nova Gorica is basically one town with Italian Gorizia, so you just get from Nova Gorica train station to italian side - Gorizia train station (either half an hour walk or short bus ride on town bus). From Gorizia train station you can catch direct train to Venice (journey will take a bit more than 2 hours and cost 13,65), no need to buy any tickets in advance
Venice to Florence: fastest and most convenient option here is to catch one of the multiple direct high-speed train (few per hour during the day), that way you can reach Florence in roughly 2 hours and pay as low as 9 euro for the ticket. Obviously such low fares go with discounted tickets purchased in advance via TrenItalia website (full fare standard tickets start from 45 euro on Frecci high-speed trains or 27 on InterCity trains). Also since last year there is new private rail operator in Italy called Italo, sometimes they have better fare for certain time slots, so you can check out them as well.
Florence to Rome: basically same thing as above - TrenItalia or Italo trains with tickets purchased in advance is best & cheapest option. However here you also can get slower regional train, which is much cheaper than full standard fare tickets for any high-speed trains, obviously this is option to consider only in case you can't buy tickets in advance, but don't want to overpay purchasing it right before departure.
Rome to Paris: well, now there is a direct overnight Thello train (19:30-10:18) with discounted tickets starting from only 35 euro, but from the new European timetable (Dec.15) it's apparently gets canceled and passengers are advice to take high-speed train to Milan and only there board overnight train to Paris. Mentioned above TrenItalia website can sell you tickets for such connection, but maybe you should consider air options (--> multiple low-cost companies with really low fare)
Paris to London: in this case EuroStar high-speed train is your only choice, journey takes slightly more than 2 hours, while one-way tickets start from only 50 euro/39 pounds. We also have a step-by-step guide on how to purchase tickets using official EuroStar website -

Anyways, we suggest you to go through all the info above, check websites and tickets mentioned and if you have any further questions - we are always glad to help

Travel plans, routes and timetables / Re: Itinerary Prague to ?
« on: December 01, 2013, 11:58:09 pm »
It terms of logistics probably doing something like Prague-Vienna-Budapest-Prague (or reverse order) would be the simplest. Krakow not only geographically more distant (=travel time), but also journey there would increase the sum you'll spend on train tickets. However if you do decide to include Krakow, then still it's not a big problem to incorporate it into an itinerary (e.g. Prague-Budapest-Krakow-Prague)

Tickets (let's stick to plan without Krakow for now):
Prague-Vienna: multiple daytime trains (taking 4:45), and via Czech Railways eShop it's possible to get tickets for as low as 19 euro per passenger. Also available overnight option
Vienna-Budapest: again multiple trains (taking +/- 3 hours), discounted tickets (start from 19 euro) can be bought via Austrian Railways website (we have a step by step guide on how to purchase austrian train tickets -
Budapest-Prague: less train than in previous cases, but still quite a few per day (+ overnight one), discounted tickets (start from 19 euro) can be bought via Hungarian Railways website (step by step guide - )
But remember that discounted tickets in all the cases are limited in number per departure, thus require in advance purchase, plus there are some limitations in terms of exchangeability & refund, thus make sure you are ok with such tickets purchase conditions

Regarding First vs. Second class... hmm... in the case of you potential trips the difference isn't essential (however there are even discounted 1st class tickets available), so, imho, no need to overpay. While in case you decide to use overnight train, you'll probably will want to be all in the same compartment and it's 2nd class anyways (either 2 bed sleeper or 4 berth couchette)   

Saw on a nice CFM site that online purchases from Chisinau to Kiev are STILL not allowed.
Yep, unfortunately CFM is among the only few European rail companies which still doesn't sell tickets via internet
We have a nice long layover in Chisinau in mid-January where we will sample the local wines.
Well, it depends on when you plan to travel the route. In a few days or in a few month after? Because majority of tickets for interstate rail journeys (like Moldova-Ukraine) are sold only as far as 45 days in advance. Also in case you happen to be in Ukraine before coming to Moldova, you can actually purchase return ticket (like Chisinau-Kyiv) in any ticket counter in Ukraine
Is that also when we must buy our ticket on from Chisinau to Kiev?
Again answer depends on a season. If it's mid-January, then availability isn't an issue at all - it's low season. Basically it means that you can get a ticket even before departure.

All of the other Eastern European Rail sites like Ukraine, Poland, Czech, and Romania look like they are rather easy to use.
Yep, lately rail companies in all the mentioned countries tried to work on improvement of their websites. But remember to use only official rail website of UZ, PKP, CD and CFR (links available on our country pages), only they will assure cheapest fares and safety. Agencies which sometimes mask to be rail tickets websites are much less reliable + you pay extra commission
Will tickets purchased directly from those sites be most likely to be collected in a machine at a station or sent as a ticket for mobile apps?
Mobile apps are still aren't very common, but all the mentioned rail companies sell print-at-home tickets, meaning that you purchase your ticket via website and print it yourself on A4 piece of paper, then just board the train with it. However print-at-home tickets aren't sold for all the trains and all the connections (for instance ticket from Ukraine to Moldova can't be print-at-home), in some cases tickets for certain connection can be bought only at the ticket counters, while in other cases after online purchase you'll need to visit ticket counter and print there your ticket. We advise you just to try official websites for yourself, see whether you can get the tickets you want and, if there are some problems, just ask here ;)

I am new to this forum but will share experiences of a winter time Eastern European runt afterwards.
Great, it always good to hear about personal travel experience. Meanwhile, as we already said, you can ask here any further questions you might have about journeys in Moldova, Ukraine, Poland, Czech republic, Romania etc.

p.s. between Chisinau and Kyiv there are 3 year round trains (#47, #66 & #341), first two are more or less ok, but with #341 there might be some surprises in terms of conditions of carriages
p.p.s. buying direct interstate ticket Chisinau-Kyiv can be a bit expensive, because of the interstate tariff applied for the whole connection, so in case you want to save some money there are a number of ways to cut travel expenses by half or even more, thus in case you interested - we can give some more details on that

Travel plans, routes and timetables / Re: Vilnius - Prague
« on: November 18, 2013, 01:05:47 am »
The Vilnius-Warsaw train service is currently suspended.
Yep, first there was a bus substitution for the short cross-border leg, but now even that option is not available. Anyways, from the rumors it all connected with construction works (Rail Baltica line border-Kaunas)

What is the ticket trick for Warsaw-Prague?
For those who can't get discounted tickets (but still want to travel mainly by rail) there are a few tricks:
a) "easiest": in advance via CD eShop purchase ticket Bohumin-Prague (310 CZK, can be printed at home), while in Poland simply get Warsaw-Zebrzydowice domestic PKP ticket (since "Chopin" in Poland consider TLK it will be just 65 PLN) and international Zebrzydowice-Bohumin (8,2 EUR or 6,4 if same ticket purchased in Czech Republic). Such "combination" of three tickets instead of one international Warsaw-Prague allows to save some good money (roughly 35 euro vs. 81 euro when international ticket Warsaw-Prague bought in Poland or 55 euro when bought in Czech Republic)
b) "even cheaper": travel via Cieszyn/Cesky Tesin. Key idea here is that it's possible to omit paying for any international tickets, meaning that you get to Cieszyn using relatively cheap Polish domestic fares, cross the border by foot and then already use Czech domestic fare. Minuses of this route is that it takes longer & in most cases will involve short bus ride (Cieszyn isn't all the time reachable easily just by rail)
c) "interesting": also possible to travel from Warsaw to Prague via Wroclaw/Jelena Gora. Also as in a previous case such route will be longer than using direct train. Regarding tickets trick is the same as above - domestic PKP fare till the border, short cross-border fare (either Meidzylesie-Lickkov or buses via Nachod/Harrachov)

Does this effect the validity period of the City-Star?
For the definite answer we'll have to wait until December, but our guess - probably yes. Doubt RZD will make any exceptions  :(

Travel plans, routes and timetables / Re: Vilnius - Prague
« on: October 30, 2013, 01:35:28 pm »
First of all let me remind you that the newly established Lithuanian airline company - Air Lituanica - has relatively cheap flights directly from Vilnius to Prague 4 times a week (with promo fares now available you can fly Vilnius-Prague-Vilnius for just slightly more than 100 euro, which is not a bad price. If you don't want to go by plain, then there is still absolutely no need to use direct bus from Vilnius to Czech Republic (like EcoLines), because it will be expensive and way too long journey. A better option will be to consider going via Warsaw, where you can either quickly change or, if you have time, stay for a few hours/day and take a look around.
Traveling by train on leg Vilnius-Warsaw nowadays is a bit complicated (+not very cheap), so probably here better to consider bus option, especially since Vilnius and Warsaw connected by multiple buses from multiple companies (Simple Express, Ecolines, Toks/Eurolines) and totally not a problem to travel during daytime or with overnight option paying less than 20 euro. While from Warsaw you already have a number of options: a) you can get direct daytime or overnight train* (to both Prague & Brno) or b) relatively cheap bus to Prague (PolskiBus company tend to have the cheapest fares on this route).

*the only inconvenience with traveling by direct train from Warsaw to Prague/Brno is that cheapest tickets (starting from only 24 euro) can't be purchased online via Polish Railways website. However this problem can be solved for those who maybe have a friend or somebody in Poland to purchase ticket in advance or ready to play some ticket tricks (if you interested we can explain in details how to do it)

Travel plans, routes and timetables / Re: Györ - Hévìz - Györ
« on: October 24, 2013, 02:25:36 pm »
Need to get from Györ to Hévìz and back to Györ by train and bus.  How do I do this?
You have a few options:
a) take direct bus to Heviz, there are a few per day (for instance 5:45-8:33 or 13:05-15:57), it's fastest way to get from Gyor to Heviz.  Bus ticket should cost 2520 HUF. Although remember that traveling by bus during winter might be not as reliable as doing using trains.
b) take a train from Gyor to Keszthely (nearest to Heviz town with rail connection). Journey will be longer (3-4 hours only to Keszthely) and require at least one change, ticket from Gyor-Keszthely start from 2830 HUF (one-way) + another 300 HUF for short bus trip (15-20 min.) from Keszthely to Heviz

Regarding potential issue with holiday time, Dec. 23 & 26 usually aren't the days when transport get canceled/don't run, so wouldn't worry about this, however if you do decide to use direct buses, then there might be a bit of a problem to get tickets, especially before departure. while with trains it's easier, since they don't get sold out and tickets are always available

Currently the Bahn website cannot allow booking beyond 14 Dec 2013 which probably is due to their annual schedule alignment/changes.
Yes, you right. Second weekend of December is standard timetable change date almost all over Europe 

When will itl be reverted to the normal 90-day out booking?
Unlike other railways Deutsche Bahn is usually rather disciplined in terms of entering new schedule into the system and allowing booking, so based on previous years experience DB starts ticket sale for new schedule around mid October (max. end of October). But at the same time take into consideration that with some international trains it might be not the case, since here DB depends also on other railway companies, so obviously they can't start ticket sale unless everything agreed with foreign rail companies.

Is it traditional that no train travel on Sunday?
No, through carriages Krakow to Budapest (one couchette & one sleeper) according to schedule run everyday, and you can actually see that everything is fine with Sunday Oct.6 or Sunday Oct.20, but with Oct.13 somehow it shows the same schedule with suggestion to change in Breclav, thus in a way suggesting that through carriages to Budapest won't run.
Situation is a bit weird, since there is no logic explanation why specifically on this day it's not there, especially since on Oct.14 from Budapest you can buy tickets for Budapest-Krakow route (through carriages are polish, so in order to depart from Budapest on 14th, they need to arrive to Budapest from Krakow), so maybe it's a simple schedule mistake on polish side, at least it seems to be. Doubt that carriages will be canceled for one trip Krakow-Budapest-Krakow and Hungarians won't know about it

All other train travel questions / Re: couchette train Krakow to Prague
« on: September 23, 2013, 11:00:17 am »
Is there a key like a hotel key card that you use to get in and out of the couchette?
No, passengers can lock (or block the door) the compartment only from inside, while from outside compartment can be locked only with help of special railway workers key (carriage conductor will have one, but not passengers)
Are there little beds like bunk beds? Where does the luggage go?
Well, compartment from inside will look something like this example, beds aren't very wide, but still ok for an overnight sleep. Baggage goes either on the floor by the window or on the top baggage shelves

General Discussion / Re: Trenitalia Refund
« on: September 21, 2013, 09:31:29 am »
First of all sorry about late reply, had been traveling and not always in the areas with accessible internet connection

Regarding the question, unfortunately for you the whole deal behind Super Economy offer is that tickets are 100% non-refundable & non-exchangible, that is the reason why they sometimes being very cheap. Here is the TrenItalia info about tariff rules (TrenItalia also should have warn you at the moment of purchase about conditions). Our suggestion (in order not to lose money) is try to look on big travel forums for some fellow travelers who might travel around your date, maybe you'll get lucky and can sort of re-sell your ticket to somebody. Obviously it's not a great suggestion, but probably it's the only thing we came up at the moment  :-\

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